"Rent" is a smash hit musical that won the Pulitzer Prize in Drama in 1996. It was inspired by Puccini's "La Bohème" and depicted the lives of struggling artists in New York City during the 1980s and 1990s. The show's unique visual style incorporated elements of graffiti art and the city's gritty environment. "Rent" is considered one of the most groundbreaking and influential musicals of all time, with a powerful message about love, friendship, and survival.
From the instructions given, the graffiti styled title was developed and approved by client. Second step was determined which layout made more sense to use, respecting the hierarchy of information, and overall feeling the design should communicate. Different layouts and color schemes were offered to the client. Making accommodations as we agreed.
More solid structured layout was selected, since informations on other layouts were too over the place and even thought were interesting and playful, but were slightly competing with the title, which should be on top of the hierarchy. Different colors were suggested but the client opted for the purple background and display graffiti typeface on "book, music and lyrics by" so it adds to the aesthetic they are trying to achieve. "Jonathan Larson" need to be 50% of the title, because of theirs contract, so we selected a lighter weight typeface, to contrast with the long word plus the large size demanded. We also got rid of unnecessary info like price and time.